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second personality

I'm always a different person when i'm about to get my period. The alpha version of me will get out, I'll be more outspoken, oversensitive, sometimes confident and sometimed becoming dubious over everything and i really hope no one messed up with me when im not really me. 

Recently i've had some issues with colleague, not sure if im the one who should be blamed but i do feel guilty for behaving that way.. well certain thing cant be undo. I've to let it go and make peace with myself. I want to keep my circle very very small, let just be close with 1-2 friends. Rather than have many people around me but at the end i've hurt their feeling or vice verse. 

Right now i just want work profesionally and not mixing my personal affair during working. 

Dear me, its okay. its okay....not to be okay.  Just be you and try you very best. Its okay if you dont want to talk to anyone,its okay if you feel low, its okay if you want to rest and let go yourself. 

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